Osteochondrosis of the cervical

The pain in the neck, women

A few of the modern people haven't heard osteochondrosis.. most of them have repeatedly experienced the symptoms of this disease. The wide spread of the disease is associated with a long seat for your computer, passive lifestyle, poor diet etc. Osteochondrosis of the cervical section is manifested by pain, weakening of muscles, restriction of mobility and a range of other symptoms.

We must not ignore the signs of degenerative disc disease, because the sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will get rid of the disease. In the early stages is conservative therapy: medicines, physical THERAPY, physical therapy, massage, etc. When appear any complications, and the destruction of bone, cartilage structures assigned function.

What is this

Osteochondrosis of the neck is the pathology, which occurs only in humans. The animals do not suffer. This relates to the vertical adjustment of the spine. In this post vertebrae compression of the other, leading to what intervertebral discs gradually destroyed.

Cervical section consists of 7 vertebrae, separated by disks. This section of the spine is quite flexible, so it is one of the most vulnerable parts of the spine. The weakest link for is intervertebral disk in which is mainly reflected degenerative-dystrophic changes.

The prevalence of cervical degenerative disc disease explained, and the weak muscular corset in the region of the neck. In addition, in this plot is placed vertebrae are of small size, have a different structure and very tight next to each other. Therefore, even a small load on the neck can cause displacement and compression of blood vessels and nerve branches. When jamming vertebral artery, which is placed on the inside of the spine in this section, arise dangerous complications.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (SHOPPING) threatens protrusions (shift pulpous nucleus without damaging the outer casing) and hernias disc. The formations are shrinking nerve tufts, vessels.

Due to degenerative changes intervertebral disc increases the likelihood of bone growths (osteophytes) on the facet joints of the vertebrae. Because of this narrowing of the intervertebral canal and compressed nerve-vascular training.

Help. According to medical statistics, from cervical degenerative disc disease are more likely to suffer people over the age of 35. Although now there is a rejuvenation of the pathology that often develops in patients of 20 years. This is due to a mostly sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.

The doctors gave 4 stage of pathology:

  • 1 grade – begins to deteriorate cartilage strip between the vertebrae. At this stage the disease has erased the symptoms. Unfortunately, their patients don't see.
  • 2) the degree is under the pressure of vertebrae height of the disk is reduced, integrity of the outer shell has been disturbed. At this stage may manifest protrusion. Appears pain, the limited mobility of the neck, it can affect the sensitivity of the individual.
  • 3 grade – ledge turned into a hernia, which clog the blood vessels and muscles. Outside of pain where there is pain in the back, dizziness.
  • 4 degree – formed osteophytes, which stabilize the vertebrae, but a pinch of the nerve fiber. The pain does not disappears, occurs stiffness, sensitive adjacent vertebrae, showing neurological symptoms.

It is important to start treatment for 1 to 2 stage, to avoid serious complications, which can be corrected only with surgical method.


Osteochondrosis SHOP – this is a difficult and time-consuming process, which can occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, the elderly disease associated with age-related changes of the body. Then, degenerative-dystrophic changes occur as a result of local circulation of blood, metabolism, weakening of the immune system.

However, doctors have identified the main causes of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • The wrong posture.
  • Curvature of the spine.
  • Injuries of the cervical points.
  • The excessive weight.
  • Exhaustive physical work.
  • Prolonged sedentary work on the computer.
  • Passive way of life.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • The frequent sub-cooling of the throat.
  • The wrong organisation of the bed (very soft mattress, good pillow).
  • Frequent stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Congenital anomalies of the structure SHOP.
  • Autoimmune diseases that cause degeneration of cartilage.
  • The infection.
  • Features parts of the body, for example, is too long or short neck.

Under the influence of these factors start to collapse intervertebral structures, bony tissue, sensitive nerve strands, blood vessels.

The symptoms

The clinical picture in osteochondrosis. cervical spine (as SOON as possible) is different. For this reason, patients it is difficult to understand what's happening to them. The first manifestations of the disease will recoup overwork. And after the appearance of severe symptoms of rushing to the doctor, but in this case irreversible changes already exist, and to restore the structure of the cervical spine is not going to work.

The pain in the neck when osteochondrosis.

The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine:

  • Pain in the region of neck, shoulder.
  • The weakening of the muscles that surround the affected section of the spine.
  • The excessive secretion of sweat.
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the upper limb.
  • Disorder of coordination of movements.
  • Cephalalgia (head pain).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Disorders of hearing, of vision.
  • Jump in blood pressure, etc.

Description headaches during osteochondrosis. in: paroxysmal, permanent, throbbing, stupid. This symptom manifested due to spasm of cerebral vessels, compression of nerve bundles injury, increase in intracranial pressure.

When as SOON as possible pain does not always appear in the cervical area spot, can be distributed on the shoulders, the hands. Discomfort may occur after sleep, a sudden movement, the tendency, the neck, for example, when you cough or sneeze.

When osteochondrosis. SHOP, there is a fall of pressure depending on the time of day, permanent hypertension unusual for the pathology. Usually with the increase of the pressure, you experience the following symptoms: cephalalgia, pain in hands, numbness cervicofacial neck area. Alternations of pressure is often observed after nerve or muscle tension, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Syndrome cervical degenerative disc disease.

When as SOON as possible observed different syndromes (typical of the situation which are accompanied by the characteristic symptoms). Their manifestation depends on which nerve branches and blood vessels have been destroyed.

Syndrome cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • Vertebral artery – arises compression or irritation artery that feeds the brain. Then the patient suffers from disorders of hearing, vision, vertigo, differences pressure, migraines, etc.
  • Hyperactive – is developed during the compression of the nerve bundles that innervate the diaphragm or the chest muscle. Then I get a burning pain in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, accelerates heartbeat.
  • Hypertension – caused by compression of the vein, because it disrupted the flow of blood from the head. Then, it increases the intracranial pressure, the patient is suffering from cephalgia, nausea, vomiting.
  • Cervical migraine – occurs due to the compression of the nerves that surround the vertebral artery. Then appears intense migrenepodobna pain in the neck area. Attack lasts about 10 hours and is often accompanied by an explosion of vomit masses.
  • Radicular is the most common simptomokomplex when as SOON as possible. It is called the grip of one of the nerve bundles in the vertebrae of the cervical points. If there is a violation of a conductivity in 1 – 2 root vertebra is disturbed sensitivity, or appear pain in the back of the head. When destroyed 3 pairs of numbs the tongue, the area behind the ears, the face is difficult to chew your food. Inflammation 4 pairs of the roots, accompanied by pain in the collarbone, hiccups, difficulty swallowing. If you break a conductivity of 5 – 8 pairs of nerve bundles, then the patient is difficult to move the hands.
Help. Often, osteochondrosis of the cervical section is manifested several of the symptom, then the diagnosis is difficult. Therefore, you don't need yourself to understand better to consult a specialist.

The establishment of the diagnosis

If you don't know what to do in case of suspected symptoms then you better consult a doctor. If necessary, your doctor will refer you to a podiatrist, the spine, a neurologist.

When diagnostic search for the following organic research:

  • An x-ray.
  • A ct scan or mri.
  • Electroneuromyography.

All of the above studies give some information on for. For example, x-rays, COMPUTED tomography, MAGNETIC resonance imaging used for the detection of pathological changes in the structures of the spine. Electromyography allows you to assess the condition of the nerve beams.

Using an x-ray, which is carried out in the various forecasts, it can detect the accumulation of calcium salts, the reduction in the amount of cartilage strips between the vertebrae, distortion SHOP, the presence of bone growths etc.


Treatment as SOON as possible must be integrated. The decision on the choice of the methodology takes the doctor, taking into account the stage, type of disease, the severity of symptoms.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine long-term and complex. To completely cure pathology unlikely, especially if it is for patient age. However, to stop degenerative-degenerative disorders of the cervical portion is likely at any stage.

In the early stages of the disease apply conservative methods: medicines, therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy, massage, orthopedic devices. Most of the above methods can be used at home.

3 – 4 stage, accompanied by the destruction of not only cartilage, but also the bodies of the vertebrae, may need surgery.

To get rid of pain, inflammation, loosen tight muscles, improve the condition of the cartilage will help the following medications:

  • Analgesics. With severe pain, you can help yourself by taking a pill metamizola sodium. For the same purpose used NSAIDS, which allow you to deal not only with the pain and the inflammation.
  • Steroids to cut inflammation and painful. For this purpose they used drugs based on hormones in pill form or ointments.
  • Muscle relaxants help to relax the blood spasm of the muscles around the damaged area. For this purpose solutions are used for infusion on the basis of benzimidazole. It normalizes the muscle tone and weaken pain syndrome.
  • Anticonvulsants help in the fight with pain and muscle spasms.
  • Vitamins speed up the restoration of the nervous system. For this purpose, take medications on the basis of the data of the group b, A, c, D, which is Quite effective vitamin-mineral complexes.
Help. If pain syndrome is very strong, and oral analgesics don't help, your doctor may prescribe novocaine blockade. Injections with the application of anesthetic or steroid solutions put straight to the site of pathology. This process can only execute an experienced professional.

In the adjuvant therapy used creams, gels, ointments with anti-inflammatory, effect planet, analgesic action.

To facilitate the condition of patients, to improve their physical form, is administered a therapeutic exercise. The exercise of these, it helps to strengthen the muscles around the neck, improve metabolism, accelerate blood circulation, relax the load on the weakened vertebral column.

Especially popular during The as SOON as possible gym, it's usually in the room with the use of a special emulator. However, if you wish, you can participate at home.

Exercise in cervical osteochondrosis.

Of physical THERAPY with cervical osteochondrosis.:

  • Smoothly tilt your head on the shoulder of the units, lock onto for 30 seconds, then repeat the movement in the other direction.
  • Tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest then lift it upwards and a little forward.
  • Put your head slightly back, turn to the right and then the left shoulder.
  • Press the right hand the left shoulder, the elbow a little lift. Then, turn your head to the right, hold it, feeling the muscle tension.
  • This exercise works like the third, only during the turning of the head, raise your hands above your head, and stepside them.
  • The hands on the knees, making them in his hand, trying to connect to the shoulder, while at the same time understand your chin up. So we will work and chest section.
  • Stand up, put your hands down, pull the neck forward, trying to convey his chin on his shoulder.

Before class to do common workout and take a shower to relax your muscles. After the completion of the complex, follow the stretch.

Therapy back pain neck with the help of physiotherapy:

  • UHF.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Magnetic treatment.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs, etc.

Magnetic therapy eases the inflammation, the pain. UHF and laser therapy speeds up the metabolism in the exposed area thereof, helps to eliminate swelling. Thanks to electrophoresis drugs to penetrate to the site of inflammation through the skin, where they immediately show the action.

With the help of massage it is normal muscle tone, speed up the blood flow to the injured area, improves trophic tissues. After the completion of the course, which usually consists of 10 procedures, stops the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine.

At home, you can use the tibetan applicator – this fixture from plastic with a lot of thorns. On your device you will need to go for or the application of the damaged area. The Applicator of these, helps to relax pain, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, as well as motor activity.

Collar Trench is applied with the appearance of intense pain. This orthopedic fixture locks the neck in the correct position, reduces the load on the vertebrae, reduce pain.

When the complex treatment of the patient will be able to get rid of degenerative disc disease neck forever. However, it is possible, if the disease was revealed in 1 stage. In other cases, integrated activities help to stop the development of pathology.

Chondrosis cervical spine of the

Many people believe that chondrosis and back pain is a disease. However, this is wrong. The first time the disease has damaged only cartilage strip of the vertebrae, and the second – degenerative changes apply to bony tissue. That is, chondrosis – this is the first stage of degenerative disc disease.

Chondrosis cervical spine of growing, when it violated the metabolic processes of the intervertebral disc. Then, collagen fibers are replaced useless fibrous tissue, hyaline cartilage obyzvestvleniya, it becomes less and less elastic. The height is reduced, because of which have disturbed the function of the vertebrae.

Causes of chondrosis and degenerative disc disease do not differ.

Cervical chondrosis has the following symptoms:

  • Quick fatigue of the muscle around the STORE.
  • Violation of posture.
  • Magazines resulting discomfort or light pain on the exposed area.
  • Restriction of mobility of the neck.

Usually, patients do not notice symptoms chondrosis. Reveal the disease by accident, during x-ray or MRI.


The treatment plan chondrosis neck is a little different from the regular treatment of degenerative disc disease. During the first disease, doctors prescribe NSAIDS and chondroprotectors. In addition, the patient should avoid excessive physical activity or prolonged sitting. Recommended therapeutic exercise, eat right, give up bad habits.

The advanced methods of treatment include massage, manual therapy. In addition, appear therapy, for example, electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation, amplipulse, diadynamic, balneotherapy, mud therapy. Its effectiveness in the treatment of chondrosis demonstrated acupuncture (acupuncture).


In most cases, patients are unable to get rid of the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease for a while, and then the disease returns. Usually this is due to the fact that the patient slowly is addressed to medical assistance or fails to comply with the recommendations of your doctor during treatment. But there are those who have managed to heal as SOON as possible and don't collide with the symptoms.

"I've discovered osteochondrosis of the neck in 2 stages. The doctors were anti-inflammatory pills and injections. After the pain had passed, she started to walk with the massage, doing special training, used the ointment. After the treatment I felt great relief. However, after 3 months the pain in the neck again appeared. Therefore, the lesson should start from the beginning".
"I have already for a long time I live with cervical osteochondrosisom. Periodically attending chiropractor that reduce vertebrae. But more with the help of physical therapy. The doctor suggested me some very effective exercises of the special complex, I'm trying to perform every day. But, as soon as I lose a few lessons, once again there is pain".
"Cervical back pain at an early stage is absolutely treatable. I have, and so it was. First, the doctors did anti-inflammatory therapy, which relieve you from the pain and the inflammation. After the treatment is completed by exercise, massage, acupuncture. In addition, I could see the pool, started taking vitamins, eating right. To forget the pain forever, I had to completely change his life. No special exercises not a day goes by, however, plus the fact that I have nothing hurts, the physical situation has improved. I long to feel the pain in the back and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle".

The main conclusions

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine – is an insidious disease, which manifests itself with variety of symptoms. It's not always the patient understands what is really going on with him. And with the appearance of intense pain rushes to your doctor, however, this indicator shows that there is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical section. In this case, reset the status of the spine is not possible. Then, carried out the treatment of these, helps to stop the development of the pathology and to avoid serious consequences. Treatment of degenerative disc disease is a complex and time-consuming process that requires patience, organization. After the elimination of pain and inflammation the patient should perform regular PHYSIOTHERAPY, visiting massage, physical therapy, apply orthopedic to fit, to eat right, give up bad habits. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, to comply with moderate physical activity, weight control, monitors the position of the body. Only in this case, will be able to stop the pathology and to live a full life.